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Martha Stewart recently shared her lawncare tips for getting her lawn picture-perfect using her easy-to-operate Kubota zero-turn mowers. Among the tips, the most surprising is recycling and reusing grass clippings.

Make no mistake, she recommends outfitting every mower with a bagging system to give the lawn a clean finish and catch the fresh cut clippings in the process. But Martha then recommends using the clippings as compost to put back in the lawn to keep it healthy and happy. Even more, she has chickens on her property and suggests feeding the fresh grass clippings to them: “They go crazy for it, and it seems to increase egg production,” said Stewart.

“I really enjoy getting my hands dirty in the garden and mowing my lawns each week — it’s satisfying to hop on my mower, listen to some music, and get my work done, all while carving out some ‘me time’ in the process.”

For more tips from Martha herself – from maintaining a lawn care schedule to not cutting corners – click